Morphology: A Key Foundational Skill

Morphology: A Key Foundational Skill             Initially, students are taught to use phonological information to read words. This works well for words such as hat and pet, which have spellings that are easily...

Achieving Equity with an Exemplary Literacy Program

Better Start Literacy The Better Start Literacy Approach has been highly successful in developing the literacy of year 1 (kindergarten) students with low language in New Zealand.  Students provided with Better Start outperformed students taught with the schools’...

Revised Intervention Program

I have just published Beginnings, the last component of Building Foundational Literacy, an intervention program that includes provision for the most severely disabled readers. Building Foundational Literacy is a revision of Word Building, which has been used in...

Assessing Foundational Skills

With their schooling having been interrupted by Covid-19, it is more important than ever to find out which foundational skills students have learned and which skills need to be developed. There is a temptation to begin at the beginning and reteach skills. However,...