I have just published Beginnings, the last component of Building Foundational Literacy, an intervention program that includes provision for the most severely disabled readers. Building Foundational Literacy is a revision of Word Building, which has been used in classrooms and clinics for more than 25 years. Building Foundational Literacy consists of the following levels:
  • Beginnings: Consonants, short a, and high-frequency and short-a words
  • Level A: Short-vowel patterns and blends and high-frequency irregular and advanced regular words. Beginnings provides the skills needed for Level A of Building Foundational Literacy.
  • Level B: Long-vowel patterns and blends and high-frequency irregular and advanced regular words
  • Level C: R-vowel patterns and other-vowel patterns and blends and high-frequency irregular and advanced regular words
  • Level D: Multisyllabic patterns
  Building Foundational Literacy is available at buildingliteracy.org or Teachers Pay Teachers.